Shark Diving Tour in Punta Cana

What to expect on the Best Shark tour in Punta Cana

  • Un corto viaje en bote hasta el sitio de buceo.
  • Una inmersión guiada a una profundidad máxima de 30 metros.
  • La oportunidad de ver tiburones de arrecife y tiburones nodriza.
  • Una experiencia educativa sobre estas asombrosas criaturas.

A list of what to bring

  • Tu certificado de buceo
  • Una cámara resistente al agua
  • protector solar
  • Un sombrero

Here is what is included

  • Traslados desde y hacia su hotel.
  • Todo el equipo de buceo.
  • Guía de buceo profesional.
  • Aperitivo ligero
  • Agua y refrescos
  • 1 inmersión profunda con tiburones

Enjoy the best Shark Diving Tour in Punta Cana with El Tour Caribe. Located a short boat ride from shore is a pristine dive site where Caribbean reef sharks and nurse sharks abound. Believe it or not, Punta Cana is a great place to see these amazing creatures in their natural habitat.

What will your Best Shark Diving Tour in Punta Cana schedule look like?

You will be tranferred from your hotel to the beach where you will board the boat. From there, you will enjoy a short boat ride to the reef.

Located at about 25 meters beneath the surface, in the open ocean, the dive site is accessed by dropping down slowly onto the reef. Consequently, there is no anchor line here, and you must be comfortable doing a free descent.  Most times, the water is very clear and visibility is usually quite good. As the apex predors of the sea, the reef sharks are normally found patrolling the reef, while the nurse sharks are more likely to be found resting on the sand. You will do 1 dive on this site and return to shore.

A note about the sharks.

Caribbean reef sharks and nurse sharks are not aggressive. Furthermore, on this site, they are used to seeing divers. However, it is important for you and all divers to respect them and maintain a safe distance. As a safe practice, you are to never touch a shark, and never swim over or between them.

Do not miss this great opportunity to see these amazing creatures up close and learn more about them. With our experienced guides, you will be able to enjoy a safe and unforgettable shark diving experience.

This is a half day tour and is only available in the mornings. You Must be Advanced Diver or higher level in order to participate. A minimum of 2 divers needed for the trip to go out.

Please note that unlike all of our other offerings, this is NOT A PRIVATE TOUR. There will be other divers on this shark diving tour in Punta Cana.

Our shark diving tour is the only diving we offer that is on the Atlantic side of the country. As such it is subject to sea conditions. We suggest you book this on one of your first days here so that if we need to reschedule due to weather we have time to do so.


    Si tienes alguna pregunta

    Podrás elegir entre nuestros dos barcos para tu salida.


    Barco de la suerte de Ana

    • Capacidad: 10

    • Mejor para: Pequeñas familias que deseen ir a Canto de la Playa o cualquiera de nuestros destinos. Rápido y elegante, lo llevará allí rápidamente.
      Nuestro dedicado equipo estará encantado de hacer que su día sea memorable independientemente del destino que elija. Este es uno de nuestros barcos más rápidos para aquellos con tiempo limitado para el recorrido.

    La Dichosa Catamaran

    Catamarán La Dichosa

    • Capacidad: 30
    • Hecho para: Familias, grupos corporativos y eventos, ¡este catamarán a motor hecho a medida es un verdadero entretenimiento en el agua! ¡Un equipo de servicio completo que incluye capitán, mixólogo, guía de snorkel y camarero hará que la tarde sea perfecta!

      Con grandes espacios abiertos y dos cubiertas, es la opción favorita entre los grupos para la mejor experiencia de alquiler de catamarán en Punta Cana.